CVIDS 2024 Fall Banquet

An Overview of 2024 CVIDS Fall Banquet
The 2024 Annual CVIDS Banquet on November 9, 2024 was attended by 54 CVIDS members and 4 guests at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, Coralville, IA.  The Social Hour began at 11 AM with lots of conversation, voting for the Betty Miller Photo Contest and entering the door prize and raffle options.  A huge thank you to all the members that contributed the door prizes that were awarded at the end of the day.  Members were able to contribute to CVIDS fund raising efforts by purchasing tickets to be used to enter a drawing for items in the raffle.  Hand crafted wood items, daylilies, true lilies, a hybridizing kit, hand painted birdhouse and more were just a few of the cherished gifts. 
We are grateful to Barb and Bob Papenhausen for providing the candy for the tables.

Following a buffet luncheon, guest Speaker Curt Hanson, Crintonic Gardens, Gates Mills, Ohio was the featured speaker.  Curt shared travel adventures in Argentina and Chile and his love of many other plants.  We were able to also enjoy his love of photography and learned more about colors and other growing things in nature.  We were all especially interested in his own daylily hybridization plan and the photos of his personal creations.  We learned more about daylily terms like crispate, pleated, carved and sculpted in his own daylilies.  Thank you Curt for being our featured speaker. 

The 50/50 Auction of Crintonic Gardens Daylilies was conducted by Darrin Lett with commentary by Curt, bid records by Shelly Lett and projector assistant Keith Riewerts.  24 daylilies were presented by Curt for the raffle that divided the proceeds between CVIDS and Crintonic Gardens. 

Heather Harroun conducted a short business meeting that included turning the presidency over to Diane Derganz for the 2025 year.  Heather was presented a gift from the club for her service.  Sherry Moffit, Chair of the Betty Miller Photo Contest announced the winners.  Door prize winners and raffle recipients were announced by Peggy Rash-Daniels. 

The day is made possible with lots of planning and help from members.  Thank you to all that were helping on Saturday.  Sherry Moffit and Jill Gardner were at the registration table along with Lisa Schmidt with a survey for Region One.   Lyn Hafner was accepting payment for dues and raffle tickets. 

Darrin and Shelly Lett are our experienced auction team.  Treasurer Jackie Westhoff ably handled multiple financial duties for the day. Thank you to Heather for your leadership, and congratulations to Diane Derganz for accepting the next term.  Heather created the PowerPoint slide presentation for the auction. Thank you to Cari Rusnak for keeping us informed of club business as club secretary. Thank you to Peggy Rash-Daniels for stepping up to give the invocation and announce prizes following a case of laryngitis for Nancy Rash. Thanks to Lyle Moen for downloading the photos to be shared and to Jonathan Poulton for posting the photos on the website.  Thank you to Sherry and Lynn Moffit and Lyle Moen for serving as co-chairs again with me.  Many thanks to all that attended and participated by donating items and bidding. Thanks to Diann Pavelka and Jonathan Poulton for your help with promotion of our annual event. If I have missed someone, I apologize.  It takes a team to implement the Fall Banquet and all tasks are appreciated. 

Nancy Rash
CVIDS Hospitality Chair
